[smg id=31099 type=normal align=center width=150] Page 10
“Most of what’s up here is the bedrooms, all of which have en suites so there’s no arguing over that. I’ll show you the rest of downstairs when we’re changed into something drier,” I comment as we head down the long corridor. “You know where my room is, your door is parallel to that.”
“That makes this easy then,” he utters, and I find he spins me around on the spot, throwing me against the white walls that run along this landing.
Zane captures my hands, lacing his long fingers through my dainty ones and pushing them against the wall above my head. Under the silence that surrounds us both, the deafening echo of our beating hearts are strong and mesmerizing. I look up into his deep blue eyes and lose my sanity a little more.
“I’m showing you your room so you can get changed,” I breathe, unable to tear myself away from his watchful gaze or fight against his hold on me.
"Sweetheart, your clothes would look much better on my bedroom floor than your own.” His words are thick and heavy on my hearing, and my heart slows its pace as if daring itself to beat and break the heat manifesting around us. “I can show you if you like?”
“Go on then,” I dare him.
He leans to the right a little as he does so, throwing the door to his room open. I slip from in front of him and into the room, taking off my damp shirt and tossing it aside. I walk across the room, only turning when the door closes and subsequently the lock sounds. I stand before Zane in nothing but sweats and a grin. As his eyes roam over my figure, I begin to push on my waistband, forcing my pants down and my panties with it. I have no idea how long we have, but I don’t want to waste any time. The electric buzz in me is raging war and my greed is not far from sending me flying across the room to wrap my body around his.
“Strip,” I command as I stand stark naked and full of confidence.
Slowly, he places both hands on the bottom of his shirt and pulls it up and over his toned body, revealing the scars from when he was shot. My heart flutters with remembrance, but admiration destroys the desolate pang that’s about to take over. As he loses his own sweatpants, I’m left with this beautifully marked man. He’s strong, resilient, and he’s all mine. I lick my lips as my eyes fall over the contours of every muscle until I’m met with his length standing up erect.
I’m not first to react, Zane is, and when we meet, he holds me tight, immediately crashing his lips onto mine and causing my legs to weaken. I allow him to dictate, but only because being out of control has never felt as good as it does right now. Zane surprises me by pulling away and framing my face.
“I was a stupid man ever to make you go to someone like Lorenzo. I was a stupid man to ever walk away.” His assurance is met with a look of fervor and passion. “I don’t care what you’ve done, Amelia. I don’t care how fucked up it is, I just care that I have you here in my arms. This is where you’re meant to be.” I know he’s right, which is why I don’t reply or argue. “I’m right where I should be, too.”
“All talk and no action,” I finally comment, giving him a remarkable grin. There’s a teasing ebb of sensuality building within and I just want to goad him to get what I want. I want a reestablishment of what we were, of what we can be. I want a resolve to what never ended by the tennis courts. I want whole satisfaction. “You’re a sweet talker, Mr. Maverick, but sometimes I wonder if you’re all talk and no action. You’re strong, you’re powerful, but I have yet to feel truly dominated by you, Zane,” I tell him, antagonizing his libido. “You say you want to feel me clench down on your cock, but maybe I want you to restrain me like you used to. I want you to fuck me, Zane, so I leave this room knowing that no man will ever, and I mean ever, come close.” I run my hands down his chest, the tips of my fingers trailing invisible lines over his body. “No matter how many times they try.”
“You think I’m going to let another man have the chance to get near you?” he asks, his demeanor shifting. His hand comes between my legs, his palm lying flat against my sex and his fingers push between my lips again, recapturing the moment from earlier, and I feel my mind fall back into the blissful state as his fingertips begin to enter me.
But I want more than this. I want more than the disturbed foreplay we had earlier.
“You said that once and I let Lorenzo try and fill a void,” I say, with only the means to rile him.
There’s a low growl that emits from Zane’s chest, feral and predatory all at once. I know I’m being mean, but I’m working to what I want. My need to feel his greedy hands on me is all too consuming and I’m willing to provoke him until I get what I want. It might not be him making love to me, but it’ll be a moment with him I won’t ever have to take back.
“Yet you still came back to me,” he states, wryly, the irony hitting all the right places. “Even with him falling all over you, it was me who got you in that closet, it was me who was buried between your legs, and it was my name you stuttered as I made you come. Not Lorenzo.”
“True,” I award him that awareness. “But now’s your chance for a new initiation into my life. Prove to me that it’s only you who can ever please me.” I place a hand on his chest, the other around his neck. “I want you to fuck me until I can’t breathe, and when I’m so breathless from what you’re doing to me, I want you to fuck me some more. I want you to show me that you’re really where you want to be.”
“Is that what you really want?”
“Zane,” I begin, playing it ever more teasingly. “I always love you most when it’s me in pure heaven because you’re buried balls deep in me. I always love when you’re the only man I admit defeat to and allow to have total control of my body. I’m only happy when it’s you owning every orgasm.”
"Your mouth's much too dirty for you to be a princess," he tells me, wickedness assuming position. “Does your father know you have a filthy mouth?”
“No, and he won’t,” I say, my tone tight as I look up at him. “Now fuck me before I go and finish myself off.”
Zane chuckles as his hand comes up to my face. “Did you even think that’d be an option?” he asks, shifting his hand up my jaw and into my hairline. “Are you sure you want me to run the show?” he questions and I just nod, unable to respond with the eagerness of what’s to come. “Okay, go over to the bed and face it, but don’t get on it just yet.”
I obey with curiosity and take myself to the side of his bed. I don’t wait long before I feel his domineering stature come to stand behind me. As his hand comes to my shoulder, my eyes close and I let out the tiniest of gasps. With little power, he pushes me forward until my chest and head is against the bed, my ass up in the air. When he releases me, it’s only to move backwards and force my legs apart and make sure I’m ready for whatever he’s about to be bestow upon my begging body.
My hands move to my sides, clinging onto the bed sheets as his hand comes to grab onto my hair. I feel him lower his body, and his penis sticks in me, forcing my body instinctively to move so it goes between my legs and my breathing becomes even more bated than ever.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this, sweetheart?” he whispers into my ear. With his grasp in my hair, he turns my head a little, forcing me to look at him. “Because once I’ve done this, there’s no getting rid of me.”
I don’t know why he’s treating this like it’s our first time because this moment for me is serving as a reminder why I trust him to be rough and heavy with me. This is forcing life back into me when I allowed it all to drain away while in Italy. He doesn’t even know that when I was with Lorenzo, I had to force orgasms and lie about my affection.
I just want to rekindle that spark that Zane and I had from the moment we first kissed. I want to be reminded of the girl I used to love being and Zane is the only key to that.
“I like the silent submission,” he muses with amusement and slips his hand away from my hair, tracing it up my back as he stands behind me, rock hard and ready to make him his victim.
Long fingers curl around my hips, digging in one by one with
a preparing grip, and I have no time to take an inhale and wait as Zane slips his length into my hot core, the engorgement so fulfilling I gasp, my tight pussy reacting immediately. Apparently, he was keeping it calm for the first penetration because as he withdraws and I mew in displeasure, his second thrust is harsh and unforgiving. He drives into me with relentless power, over and over again with raw, unbridled passion. This is Zane claiming me. As his hands grip onto my hips with bruising force, I feel him dig his fingers in, not caring about the marks it’ll leave behind. The touch burns, but it’s pleasurable. It’s addictive and I feel claimed. I feel owned. I feel renewed. I feel as if I’m right where I’m meant to be.
I bury my face into the sheets; my hands claw at them as he pounds into me with relentless stamina. I feel my body preparing to burst into flames, but Zane doesn’t seem to find that a concern as he thrusts into me with command and force. If this is the reminder he wanted to have, my body won’t ever forget it especially as I feel the pit of my stomach begin to clench and my eyes roll closed.
As I come, and I feel my legs begin to shake, and it’s Zane who holds on tighter, ramming me full with his length and keeping from collapsing. Even as I explode and I smother my scream with the sheets, it’s Zane who keeps driving in and out of me, doing as I so wish. It isn’t until he stills to come, his grip constructing that I’m able to recapture some oxygen into my lungs. Even then I’m not left with much time as Zane withdraws from me only to pick me up and turn me over. I move onto the bed more, my back against the mattress. Zane soon follows, grabbing my legs and forcing them up. I’m powerless as he rests my ankles by his shoulders and places his hands either side of my waist on the bed.
I can see this small, sanctimonious smirk on his face, but my irritation over it disperses as he, once again, penetrates me whole. This time he’s slow with his pace. He doesn’t demand an orgasm this time, he rocks in and out of me, allowing me to buck my hips in unison and join the pace. His eyes fall on me, heavy and sultry, and I wish for anything to kiss him. This time the build up to my orgasm is slow and drawn out, but as I feel the low burst begin, I react the same. My eyes flutter closed before I gasp and stutter. Zane follows quicker this time and on his come down, releases me enough for him to start kissing over my entire body.
Soon we’re side by side, wrapped in one another, kissing as if the arousal is just beginning, not just ending. With careful moves, he makes me feel loved and wanted. That right now isn’t solely about staking claim. As he pulls me close to his body, I know I should withdraw from the embrace. I already let this escalate to sex. I told myself that I wouldn’t fall for his charm, but I just couldn’t help but want him. It doesn’t help that the way he is holding me is different. This could be the one thing that changes my every self-teaching and causes me to become unbidden. I came back a changed woman, colder, heartless, but while in his arms I feel like nothing has malformed at all. We’re completely entwined, his lips on my forehead, and I feel like I’m cured of all my misdeeds.
“I’ve missed you, sweetheart,” he suddenly whispers into the electrified air around us and moves so his forehead is pressed lightly to mine.
“I’ve missed you, too,” I murmur back without thought. “But we need to make boundaries.”
“Why?” he asks me, confused and a little irate.
“Because you have to prove yourself to my father before you get me. He made that stipulation very clear, and I want nothing to jeopardize what we’re both clearly feeling.” I remove myself from his hold enough to sit back and have this conversation. “We have to be clever over this. Security will know we’re back together, and if I know them, it’ll be news my father will know.”
“Fine,” he relents, and we just settle back down.
“Amelia! Zane!” my father’s brisk voice penetrates the air outside of the room. “Family meeting now.”
“And that’s why,” I state, giving an eye roll. “We’re off limits when it’s not safe,” I tell him, pushing up from the mattress so I can quickly dress. When I pull my panties up my legs, I look at Zane and realize he hasn’t even moved yet. “Don’t just hang around, Zane. If we’re not downstairs in two minutes, we’ll have a search and rescue to deal with. That’s a party I don’t want finding us while you’re buried balls deep in me.”
“My cock is very lonely right now, so nothing for them to catch,” he jokes trying to play it cool. He’s still yet to realize just how serious this life is.
“C’mon,” I tell him, grabbing my top from the floor by the bed. “I’m giving you a minute to get dressed.”
“You think it’ll take me that long to get dressed?” he comments, still remaining unmoved. “I just wanted to watch you for a moment.”
“Just get up!” I tell him, heading for the door in an attempt to be downstairs as hastily as I can manage. “We are still nothing to one another until I know it’s entirely safe.” I know it’s not what he wants to hear, but it’s the truth. “Until it’s safe, we play it cool. Now hurry up.”
I leave Zane behind, loathing the feel of damp clothing back on my body, but what else can I do? I left no time to change, so I’m left in the clothes I threw on before going down for breakfast, the same ones that got drenched when I allowed myself to cave to Zane’s whim. The only thing that’s different about me is the persona I’m now wearing. The broken girl I thought I was stuck being isn’t so broken and all it took was intimacy with a man I trust most.
However, when I walk into the room, I see the devil himself knows full well what Zane and I have been doing. It only worsens when Zane walks in behind.
“I hear you are getting overly friendly with my daughter, Maverick.” My father’s first remark is brought forward with derision and he’s unable to give Zane or me any eye contact as he shuffles papers to tidy his desk. Once done, he stands up, only now giving Zane some direct attention. “Is that part of our deal?”
“No, sir,” Zane answers, trying to hide all the nervous energy from his voice.
“Then why are you doing it?” he asks, giving Zane the deadliest of looks. “I didn’t realize I offered the opportunity to take advantage of my daughter when you were alone. I only asked her to give you a grand tour, not give you the chance to get into her panties. Men who take advantage of my daughter in such a way will feel the price of that, Maverick. So, do you want to think again before you defy me?”
“It’s all on me,” I interject quickly. I gulp, knowing that if I answer one person will be put out, but to offer Zane a chance, I take a steady breath. “It means nothing to me, Sal. I just wanted sex.” I look behind me as I speak. “Sorry, Zane. What you said was nice, but I just wanted some fun.”
I see the hurt on his face and my heart bleeds from the cracks his expression creates. I know I could tell the truth, but I worry what will happen if my father knew the intimacy we were caught in was sincere. I know how my father works the majority of the time and it’s neither pleasant nor yearned for, so I have to do damage control and make my father think I feel otherwise for Zane.
I turn back, square my shoulder, and focus myself on my father and ready for the finalization on fooling my father. “I got greedy, Sal. Zane had no input in this. I seduced him to get what I wanted and I got it. He’s still very much here to be a part of the Dio Lavoro. We are nothing to one another. I fooled him into thinking that I want him.”
“Do you love him?” my father questions, walking around his desk.
I steady myself – answer too soon and he’ll know it’s a lie, take too long and he’ll guess that, too. I shake my head before I say, “No. He broke my heart twice; I won’t put myself out there for a third time. I just needed something to lessen the tension.”
“Kind of like your own initiation?” my father asks, sitting on the edge of his desk.
“Yes, exactly that, I guess. I wanted him to feel what it felt like when I tell him I love him only to walk away.” I take a deeper inhalation than normal. “If he can survive that and still want to
be here then I guess he’s a keeper.”
My father’s first response is to laugh at me. “Whether he has sex with you or not, Amelia, is irrelevant. He’s here to stay. You know death is the only way out of this life. He’s too deep already and he has the same fate as the rest of us.” My father stands, approaches, and stops just before me. “I’m just disappointed you’re turning into a little a whore right under my nose. Will I find you screwing Lorenzo next time?”
“Maybe,” I comment, giving a small smirk. “Depends who I fancy next.” I give a nonchalant shrug, redeeming my guise my father believes is the new me. “I always did fancy Matty, maybe he’ll be next.”
“You’re just testing me now,” my father grinds out, his face reddening. “If you’re going to be a little slut, take it outside of business personnel.”
“We’ll see,” I mock, laughing a little. “Zane was today’s flavor; we’ll see who I fancy next. There’s not really a damn thing you can do about it either, Salvatore.”
“You cannot go around doing this,” my father comments, shaking his head in dismay. “You used to believe in love, now you’re just becoming cheap.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know what real love was because every time I’ve felt it, it’s been stolen from me. Each time hasn’t gotten any easier, so I’d rather throw around a lot of lies to get what I wanted than get a lot of broken hope. Zane was just the second victim in that after Lorenzo.”
“Seems that Zane feels another way,” my father notes, nodding at Zane.
I look behind me, meet the eyes of the man who I love so strongly, and just see utter hate. I can barely apologize or backtrack when he shoots me a deathly glare and begins to back away. Zane leaves the room totally humiliated, and I’m left wondering if trying to save both our asses has just cost me my chance of happiness – again.
I deliberately adorned my favorite black bikini the moment I saw Zane begin swimming laps. After yesterday morning, he avoided me like the plague, even skipped dinner to go out and didn’t come back until most of us were asleep. After skipping breakfast with us, I was lucky to find him swimming, but he’s barely come up for breath.